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bob kesto

Great web site. Than you for the information his site is amazing. Very well developed with great information.

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I'm slowly moving to google calendar but trying a wacky multi-way sync with outlook and my phone. My skillz are not paying my sync bills. I like tag clouds and love the fact you've built these two bad boys - i'm tagging my posts and have a cloud it on my site and my name is the biggest tag because I'm so vain. How did you find the delicious/flickr apis? (just adding your delicious to my livebookmarks - geekorama!)

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Yeah I suppose you are right. I actually see a lot of people using trulia.com and I use del.icio.us and flickr actively. My calendar is getting firmly embedded in my Yahoo Mail account too. The last thing I use is facebook and I use that tonnes.


The results are out http://www.alexschultz.co.uk/weblog/2006/09/adsense_google_.html and they are interesting. I found the flickr and del.icio.us APIs ridiculously easy to use they were great. I have a post half written about the typepad API which I should really complete since I think they have entered an awesome new world of API methods where Auth and Auth totally happens on the Typepad platform with no interplay which is impressive.

Anyway, so much geeking out to do and so little whiskey and water to get me through it.


I'm slowly moving to google calendar but trying a wacky multi-way sync with outlook and my phone. My skillz are not paying my sync bills. I like tag clouds and love the fact you've built these two bad boys - i'm tagging my posts and have a cloud it on my site and my name is the biggest tag because I'm so vain. How did you find the delicious/flickr apis? (just adding your delicious to my livebookmarks - geekorama!)

alex schultz

Yeah I suppose you are right. I actually see a lot of people using trulia.com and I use del.icio.us and flickr actively. My calendar is getting firmly embedded in my Yahoo Mail account too. The last thing I use is facebook and I use that tonnes.

Personally I find tag clouds incredibly useful to scroll through and navigate my account.

I really should sort my life out and create a photo widget though.


Keith Mander

I'm still not entirely sold on these tag things. Sure, it makes Flickr what it is - but I just don't see why everyone is jumping on it. I'd be interested in hearing which Web 2.0 sites you actively used. I find so many of the concepts to be really great and interesting in playing with, but so few can you actually use all the time. At the moment my bookmarks and calendar stay offline. But I've been using Remember The Milk for a while though and love it!

Nevertheless, this cloud thing is pretty neat and makes it easy to know what your blog is all about.

Alex Schultz

Good to hear from you Keith. Will hopefully have a couple of hundred thousand impressions within the next two weeks and shall definitely follow up.

Do you like my tag clouds in the right margin by the way? Am bloody proud of them.

Keith Mander

Looking forward to the results from this! :)

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