The above graph uses my little program on to show the number of skype users online over christmas day by hour of the day. The blue line is Christmas day and the red line is Christmas eve. The hour of the day is given in GMT and the whole program is built by sampling skype's feed of users online, which they expose on their homepage, once an hour. I don't vouch that it is 100% accurate of course but I think it's a very interesting graph to see to give an indication of the % of people who have their computers on or are online on Christmas day at all. I certainly was one of the peak 6million or so people online on Christmas day even though I didn't actually do any Skyping.
o.k, im using the dragon plane model for my science fair project, after folding the thing, the nose rips, is it because im using standard computer paper, am i folding the creases too tight... idk.
have any suggestions?
[email protected] (...don't ask...)
Posted by: K | December 27, 2006 at 11:15 AM