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Honestly I'm tired of the phenom of Facebook applications, every time I check my space I find a lot of pop-ups messages and invitations from different applications. I would like to know if you know how to elude them?


It is indeed a great application, and you are right it may have some glitches, but overall its a cool and funny application, another great application are the quotes or words of famous people, in my case I love the daily words of Homer Simpson.

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So funny, I think.*


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Free Gifts

I don't know it before that Facebook Gifts product is really cool and not too dissimilar to the ze frank concept of gimme some candy, So thanks for valuable information.


the gifts should be free...like its not fair :(

Zach Allia

it has moved all the way up to the top 10 now! thanks for writing about it :-p

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