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Various people in the world receive the loan from different creditors, just because that's comfortable.

Alex Black

Thanks for the post Alex! We have some additional stats in the works for shared videos (we have an affiliate program that gives sharers a 20% revenue cut for sharing videos), so stay tuned for that over at the Revver blog - http://blog.revver.com


I think Revver will be a strong player for people who want to use video and who want to make money.

I don't think they will 'win' the market per say.

YouTube will still be everything to everyone and a lot of TV clips.
Vimeo will become a strong player of home videos.

And of course I hope vzaar wil be a strong player of video for people who want to improve their eBay listing.

Of course you have shown several key features we probably need to implement to be successful in this market.

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