The growth of my cocktail recipe website has been truly scary this year. I am into my second year of >100% year on year growth in the site, I have doubled in volume since January and if anything growth is accelerating.
The plan of course is to keep growing and doing well. I am currently at 2/3 of the bandwidth limit my web hosting company allow me which although cool is very scary when you look at last year's traffic distribution numbers:
The above December to October ratio is typical, I have seen it for the past 7yrs every year with December having roughly 3x the traffic of October (you can see the huge growth in last year's graph from Jan to Dec as well). In the peak day of december (new year's eve) I expect to be serving about 4cocktails a second (30% above my current recorded intraday peak) with an intraday peak of 7 cocktails a second. My code/databases can stand this but I am not a professional coder and want to be sure so I am working on making my code more efficient at the moment, adding more caching, planning (finally) to migrate to a very professional hosting package and place all images/css on a content delivery network like Amazon S3 (because whatever happens my current bandwidth is screwed).
The main point of this note is to encourage you guys to check out your code. I just recoded the displaycocktail.php script on my site (which accounts for 20% of bandwidth and >50% of files served). It turns out this script (which has grown organically and been coded in chunks since 2001) is horribly inefficient. I reduced the lines of code in the script by 55% to just 304 including all HTML and the weight of the page produced by 21% which will reduce my bandwidth usage by 4-5% which is cool and also has halved the SQL queries per page load on that page.
Efficiency is dull but I am hugely glad I did this and am looking forward to running through the rest of the site spring cleaning in Fall. If nothing else it will allow me to have a much smaller, easier codebase to maintain which is definitely good news!!!
Affiliates more Profitable than Malware
Sunbelt Blog is a really fascinating blog for anyone who works in the internet industry. As an affiliate I find it a really fascinating blog since the kind of people who produce malware and so on also are often affiliates. In the early days of running my own site I promoted a company who produced a software that when installed on someone's computer replaced ads on any site with their own ads. If someone came to my site, used my bandwidth, read my content they wouldn't see my adverts and wouldn't earn me a penny if they had installed any of this company's software. The company was called Gator and is now called Claria and have been through a number of legal cases on this which means what they do is legal although distasteful to me.
Anyway something that is very common in the malware industry is to get someone to install a piece of software that does something to your PC in order to get hold of a pornographic video or some other slightly illicit goody. They may hide the fact this download is making you part of a botnet but in the latest example shown on the sunbelt blog they get you to download google pack. The 2 incredible parts of this is that the Google affiliate program is paying more than malware pays and that what appears to be a relatively experienced naughty group would risk attacking an affiliate program. Usually these programs are on top of their affiliates enough that they would catch this, stop it and would simply not pay the affiliate. I wonder why Google appeared an easy target. Was the payout big enough to be interesting, the conversion to Google pack so great that it was worth doing or does Google not have a great affiliate fraud monitoring system in place yet?
November 17, 2007 in general comments, internet marketing | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)